2011 Slow Poke Run
Hey ALL:
Are we ALL tired of winter & fantasizing about driving our little British cars? I mentioned at our January Natter a new event especially for the smaller engined British cars but OPEN TO ALL British iron. It is called THE S–L–O–W P–O–K–E RUN. I’ve noticed over the years that some of our members’ smaller engined cars were seldom seen at our driving events, perhaps out of fear of being a slow poke. So (drum roll………) the inaugural SPR will be held on April 16, 2011 and looks like this:
9:00 am | Meet at Russ & Marj Bees’ home, 14527 Summerset Rd., Indianola, IA (7.5 miles south of Army Post Rd. on hwy. 65/69& 1.5 miles east on Summerset Rd. Garage tour and coffee & muffins! | |
10:00 am | Tour departs for the new Summerset State Park, an unusual park developed from the original Banner Pits Coal Mine. | |
10:30 am | Arrive at the new Antique Tractor Museum in Carlisle at 205 N. First St. (no charge). | |
11:15 am | Depart Carlisle for a visit to the historical country church in Palmyra, IA. | |
11:45 am | Depart from the church for Indianola. | |
12:01 pm | LUNCH…at the Pizza Ranch on the north edge of Indianola where a wonderful buffet is available. We have a room reserved for our group. | |
1:00 pm | Travel to Van Meter to the Bob Feller Museum. (Normally a fee but for us free.) A visit to the Iowa Cemetery for Veterans near by may be added. |
Marj and I plan to run the route soon to determine the exact mileage. Let’s make this a big deal for small cars!! Get that slow poke (that’s cars not people) up and ready for a fun day driving our favorite British cars at reasonable speeds (wink).
Only one rule for the day: Slow pokers up front and the rest bring up the rear.
We bee’ fine! RSVP appreciated.
Russ & Marj